Well, here we are, another beautiful year and another celebration of self. As we collectively take a quick breather and reflect on what it means to be visible in the

2 years ago

Latest Post The Audacious Concern by Libra Audacious public

Well, here we are, another beautiful year and another celebration of self. As we collectively take a quick breather and reflect on what it means to be visible in the world.. well the current state America that is. We are all in this together and this too shall be quite interesting.

Transgender Flag 2
Photo by Lena Balk / Unsplash
Ok so what does visiblity look like to me?

Visibility to me looks like showing up as YOU. The best representation of yourself nobody could ever duplicate. Leaving folks to be inspired and greater positive energies gravitate to you. That can mean yes you will wear that outfit you've spent time thinking about. Yes you use your voice to take up space and uplift others. Yes you let it be known you're Trans* and damn proud of it.

Lets not keep it all about appearance, the work we do can speak in ways and often times preceed us. Imagine your name being spoken in spaces long before someone puts your face with your name and your work. That indirect visibility hits different when youre first starting out and focused on your grind. In the end, a surreal experience how everything came to fuition.

Every year we stress how important it is that as Trans* people, we NEED more visibility from our siblings just as much as we do from our allies. America currently has over 150 anti-trans bills being created and passed into play collectively. We have experienced a Trans* shooter at a Christian school, books banned, Trans* athletes are targets and cannot play on sports teams that affirm their gender, housing and enployment are still topics barely touched and yet somehow we do not deserve to live with basic rights as other Americans.

At the end of the day I say this:

Wake up, Say your affirmations blessings & Thanks. Make your bed and take your "meds". Smile and face the day.. one at a time .

Remember you ARE enough.

Libra Audacious

Published 2 years ago

The Audacious Concern by Libra Davis is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0